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Ilanet.IdentityConstructionInPlayerTypesr1.28 - 30 Aug 2017 - 17:13 - GregorioIvanoff

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"In this sense, codeswitching can also be considered as playing an important interactional role in the construction and enforcement of in-group norms of behavior that regulate interactions among peers. In addition, older siblings’ linguistic behavior also has important implications for intergenerational socio-cultural and language maintenance. [...] Rampton’s (1995) notion of crossing refers to the act of codeswitching into a code or linguistic variety (usually a minority language) that is not ‘owned’ by the speaker, but rather belongs to a group which they cannot legitimately claim to be part of." (GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, 2010).

Keywords: hierarchical forms of interaction within games and non-game domains of experience, distinct points of view on the world, minimal adult supervision of peer group activities, ways of being in the world, diasporic communities undergoing rapid change, massive multiplayer online game?, culturally-discouraged subject positions, low socio-economic status, identity construction in games, player types in games, conflicting affective stances, online multiplayer communities, relatively autonomous arena, socially insecure groups, deprived social backgrounds, imagined transgressional possibilities, informal school settings, socio-cultural learning, role-playing games, value in sustainability, point of value, technologies of power, repertoires of selves, instigator of desire, social interactions, norm crystallization, political consciousness, linguistic exchanges, intent participation, cognitive development, clandestine explorations, moral ambiguity, ethical valences, moral tensions, clandestine interaction, ambivalent stances, agency theory, open microworlds, life worlds, peer interaction, changing identities, identity system, group feelings, interactional frames, play frames, online institution, online practices, moral status, language crossing, ‘bad subjects’, micro-communities, reflexivity, prohibitions, communities, heteroglossia, Kohlberg's moral stages, Jane McGonigal, Twitter

Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento em linguagem, prática em ação, rotas em educação, congruência em educação, circuitos de design, diagnóstico de oralidade, consciência fonológica, inconsciência fonológica (BARROS, 2011), microcomunidades

Brazil: diáspora brasileira, primavera brasileira, brasfobia (BUARQUE, 2013)



Outcomes: Copa do Mundo em equipamentos

#FutureOf. Available from < >. access on 16 october 2013.

BARROS, Rubem. A oralidade que faz escrever: Professor Claudemir Belintane: jogos da tradição oral, como adivinhas e trava-línguas, são o melhor caminho para introduzir a criança à escrita. Entrevista, Setembro 2011. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 13 out. 2013.

BUARQUE, Daniel. Fim do visto de turista aumentaria fuga de brasileiros para os EUA, diz autora, 13 out. 2013. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 13 out. 2013.

Design Week promove circuitos de design ligados ao cotidiano de Paris, 6 set. 2013. Disponível em < > e < >. Acesso em 13 out. 2013.

GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, Inmaculada M. Serious Games: Code-Switching and Gendered Identities in Moroccan Immigrant Girls’ Pretend Play. International Pragmatics Association, Pragmatics 20:4.523-555 (2010). Available from < >. access on 16 October 2013.

GUTIÉRREZ, Priscilla Shannon. In Search of Bedrock: Organizing for Success With Diverse Needs Children in the Classroom. Journal of Latinos and Education. Vol. 1, Iss. 1, 2002. Available from < >. access on 22 February 2013.

MARSIGLIA, Ivan. O país do autoengano: Para psicanalista, recentes erupções de violência no Rio de Janeiro mostram que, sob a fachada do ufanismo desenvolvimentista, o Brasil esconde as velhas mazelas de sua modernização imperfeita, 06 de abril de 2013. Disponívem em <,o-pais-do-autoengano,1017818,0.htm >. Acesso em 2 nov. 2013.

ORRICO, Alexandre. Barbárie nos games on-line tem solução, diz pesquisador. São Paulo, 20 mai. 2013. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 21 jul. 2013.

ORRICO, Alexandre. Brasileiros ganham fama ruim praticando assaltos e arrastões em jogos on-line. São Paulo, 20 mai. 2013. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 20 jul. 2013.

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Number of topics: 16


-- GregorioIvanoff - 09 Oct 2013
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