
Governance / Governança Institutions / Instituições, government, leadership, policies and the rule of law Meaning change Human capital, health, the community and the individual Social / Social
School organization School in language School accreditation in interest Language in society Accreditation in language
Policy development / Desenvolvimento de métodos [2] --> After answering the question head to [3] or [4] / Depois de responder a pergunta siga para [3] ou [4]: To satisfy stakeholders, what organizational processes must we excel at? / Para satisfazer as partes interessadas, em que processos organizacionais devemos ser excelentes? The information in [2] may be used in [3] or [4] / As informações de [2] podem ser utilizadas em [3] ou [4]. [3] --> After answering the question head to [4] / Depois de responder a pergunta siga para [4]: To achieve our vision (Community-led educating change in evidence), how should we appear to stakeholders? / Para realizar a visão do conhecimento, como devemos parecer aos olhos das partes interessadas? Enablers / Capacitadores
Research viability The information in [1] can be used in [2] / As informações de [1] podem ser utilizadas em [2]. Community-led educating change in evidence The information in [3] may be used in [4] / As informações de [3] podem ser utilizadas em [4]. Research opportunity
Organisational development / Desenvolvimento organizacional [1] --> After answering the question head to [2] / Depois de responder a pergunta siga para [2]: To achieve our vision (Community-led educating change in evidence), how will we sustain our ability to change and improve? / Para realizar a visão do conhecimento, como promoveremos nossa capacidade de mudar e melhorar? The information in [4] can be used in [1] / As informações de [4] podem ser utilizadas em [1]. [4] --> Start and finish here / After answering the question head to [1] / Comece e termine aqui / Depois de responder a pergunta siga para [1]: To succeed sustainably, how should we appear to stakeholders? / Para sustentar o sucesso, como devemos parecer aos olhos das partes interessadas? Access Channels / Canais de acesso
Natural resources, urbanization and the ecological aspects Meaning in school Transactions / Ativos transacionáveis em valor social Society in meaning Better education
Environmental and infrastructure / Infraestrutura e ambiente Critical infrastructure (namely communications, energy, transport, water and health) Research in mathematics education Macroeconomic environment, goods and services market, financial market, labour market, sustainability and productivity Economy / Economia

Keywords: community-led educating change in evidence, player types in political effectiveness, identity construction in player types, culturally responsive financial education, ethnicity-inflected social identities, core outcomes in contradiction, conflict outcomes in anticipation, conflict in moral values, asset management in securities, identity construction in school, player types in games, research social networks, social improvement in education, mathematics development strategy, crowd accelerated innovation, active civic participation, student exchange programs, democratic public education, mathematics in interests, regulation in communication, governance in communication, governance in action, policies in communication, mathematics in communication, governance in meaning, strategy in organization, meaning in contradiction, change in communication, communication in mathematics, financial economics, mathematics meaning, mathematical thinking, educating technologies, thinking distortion, digital wildfires, political attitudes, learning flexibility, democratic change, democratic education, social change, economics services, balanced scorecard, personal experience, academic experience, public education, progressive drive, demographic change, developer profile, stakeholders identification, developer type, intangible assets, society practices, business administration, code-switching, "little democracy", sourcing, democracy, self, mathematics, India, Bruno Maggi, Robert Chia, Richard Sennett, Anthony Giddens, John Dewey, Donald Kirkpatrick, Jathan Sadowski, Facebook, KPMG

Palavras-chave: inovação em cultura política, valor em credibilidade, liberdade em educação, organização em avaliação, avaliação em visão, diferenças em cognição, serviços em projetos, prática política, mudança social, consenso, consentimento, cooperação, seguros, Adriana Backx Noronha Viana, Alemanha

Brazil: goods in Brazil, Vinegar Revolt

Outcomes: educating in change, educating exchanges, lighted schoolhouse, rotas de navegação, world in 2016

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-- GregorioIvanoff - 19 Jan 2016

Revision: r1.63 - 07 Jul 2017 - 17:03 - GregorioIvanoff
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