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Agora.EffectiveMultilevelGovernancer1.10 - 18 Feb 2017 - 14:51 - GregorioIvanoff

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"Multi-level governance characterizes the changing relationships between actors situated at different territorial levels, both from the public and the private sectors" (WIKIPEDIA, 2015).

Keywords: institutionally effective set of linkages with the private sector, market-induced gales of creative destruction, inter-institutional structuring in linkages, fragmented policy-making authority, multilevel governance in stability, institutionalized system of linkages, common projects of accumulation, effective state apparatus, long-term commitment, agency-relevant expertise, organization in linkages, corporate coherence, state-society, society demands, individualized channels, landed oligarchy, policy coordination, institutional integration, clientelistic norms, state jobs, state apparatus, cohesive governance, private channels, network instability, career education, personalism, dependability, patrimonialism, Canada, Embraer

Palavras-chave: contratação de comissionados

Brazil: Brazil in agreements, Brasil em apagão, instituições brasileiras em organização, resultados da Copa do Mundo no Brasil, desempenho do governo brasileiro, Embrapa, Petrobras

ALCOVERRO, Adrià. Technology, Innovation and Neoliberalism in Post-Fordism. The Contradictory Nature of Neoliberalism within the Innovation Policies of Finland and Estonia. Panel The State, Economic Institutions and Economic Growth, ECPR Graduate Student Conference 2012, Bremen. Available from < >. access on 6 January 2015.

Multi-level governance. Available from < >. access on 29 January 2015.

Number of topics: 12


Number of topics: 2


Number of topics: 12


Number of topics: 1


-- GregorioIvanoff - 29 Jan 2015
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