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Agora.PerspectiveInKnowledger1.1 - 12 Oct 2023 - 19:21 - GregorioIvanoff

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The prototype becomes a source of inspiration

VON KROGH et al. (2001) address the styles according to which companies 'inspire' the vision of knowledge. The authors understand that companies can be categorized into at least four styles:

  • top-down visionaries;
  • expert visionaries;
  • distributed visionaries;
  • 360-degree visionaries.

The analysis of 'inspiration' styles of the vision of knowledge and the proposal that companies [and institutions] identify their vision of knowledge, both have an innovative character.

An example of inspiration for the vision of knowledge according to the 360-degree management approach is cognitive cities (TUSNOVICS, 2007).

According to the author, the model proposed as 'cognitive city' is a 'place' that:

  • facilitates engagement;
  • generates consciousness (awareness);
  • uses creativity;
  • deals with uncertainty;
  • positions itself in centrality (looks at centrality); and,
  • implies in sustainability for future urban habitat issues.

VON KROGH et al. (2001) understand that the style called distributed visionaries is more likely to inspire a high degree of commitment among participants, as it allows various groups, departments and even individuals to develop their own visions of knowledge.

However, for the authors, very few companies, globally, approach the 360-degree approach, which they consider more complete and which satisfies the criteria they outline to achieve good practices for inspiring the vision of knowledge.

According to the authors, these "companies recognize the creation of knowledge as an activity that extends throughout the entire scope of the organization".

It is therefore proposed in this text, based on these indications, that the development of this 360-degree management approach should be the subject of simulation.

Keywords: educational strategies in serious games, educational policies, balanced scorecard, design thinking, lean education, stakeholder value, coordination, uncertainty, Katalyst

Português: perspectiva em conhecimento

-- GregorioIvanoff - 12 Oct 2023
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