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Searched: Game *Theory[^A-Za-z]
Results from Agora web
Ágora Português Adverse selection is a concept in economics, insurance, and management, which captures the idea of a "rigged" trade. When buyers and sellers have ...
Keywords: theory, Revolt, Boroditsky Português: Brasil Brazil: model in Brazil, in institutional values, in economics, in commons, road safety in Brazil, goods in ...
Ágora Mathematics in the streets and in schools Carraher 20.... Gregorio B Ivanoff (@GregBittar) 6 de junho de 2016 Keywords: systems, commons ...
Ágora Perspectivas Econômicas mostra que Brasil atravessa uma tempestade perfeita Economia Correio Braziliense Gregorio B Ivanoff (@GregBittar ...
Keywords: individually small in time perspective decisions, individually small in size decisions, objects, decisions, theory, decision Português: decisões Main.GregorioIvanoff ...
Ágora Aprendizado e crescimento: jogos em comunicação Palavras-chave: instituições de ensino em produção, mudança organizacional em educação, escolas em serviços ...
Ágora Keywords: commons in business, reasoning analysis, corporate accounting, order thinking, thinking, thinking skills, distortion, theory, modeling http://www ...
Ágora PURPLE Inquiry on market or society behavior in which strategies (monitoring, screening, signalling, tracking etc.) exhibit the benefit of mathematical knowledge ...
A comparison should be made between the students' communication prior to the enactment with the communication used by the students after the enactment. Keywords: technology ...
Ágora Way, Jenni. Using Questioning to Stimulate Mathematical Thinking: Addendum, October 2001, February 2011. Available from . access on 10 June 2016. LEVELS OF ...
Keywords: commons in business, commons in education, information economy, in selection, in expression, in expression, in mathematics, systems, dilemma, economy, commons ...
Ágora Keywords: in expression, in selection, commons, common currency, selection, theory Game theory. Available from . access on 27 may 2016. Knowledge commons. Available ...
Ágora Game theory at work Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:21:57 Hage Gonçalves Textos publicados por consultores da McKinsey: "Game theory at work". A abordagem é interessante ...
Keywords: marketing, theory Português: mediador A new focus on Game Theory. Available from . access on 3 April 2017. Talk mediation: providing expert mediators nationwide ...
Ágora Keywords: commons in business, reasoning analysis, modeling problems, order skills, order thinking, in mathematics, in language, in action, in expression, commons ...
Ágora Keywords: in mathematics, in organization, theory Screening game. Available from . access on 20 May 2016. Signaling game. Available from . access on 20 May ...
Ágora Português The tyranny of small decisions is a phenomenon explored in an essay of the same name, published in 1966 by the American economist Alfred E. Kahn ...
Ágora Green, Kris H., and Allen Emerson. "Mathematical reasoning in service courses: Why students need mathematical modeling problems." The Mathematics Enthusiast ...
Ágora Teoria dos jogos rende Nobel de Economia Americano e israelense dividirão valor de US$ 1,3 mi por estudos sobre conflitos e cooperação durante negociações Por ...

Number of topics: 19
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