Keywords: probabilistic neural network analysis, human-centric data analysis, traditional statistical techniques, competitive market efficiency, procedural neural networks, insurance firms ranking, neural network approach, stock exchange movements, neuro-computational models, efficiency programs, modeling algorithms, machine learning, stock exchanges, price movements, Egyptian companies, Arab banks, Kuwait, Egypt

Português: redes neurais

Updating governance / Governança que atualiza: Global Challenge / Desafio global. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição, 21 September / set. 2017. Available from / Disponível em < >. access on / Acesso em 21 September / set. 2017.

-- GregorioIvanoff - 18 May 2019

Revision: r1.2 - 23 Jul 2020 - 14:56 - GregorioIvanoff
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