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Persona.VirtualBodyr1.3 - 04 Apr 2019 - 13:51 - GregorioIvanoff

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The Visible Human Project (VHP), a recent and spectacular innovation in medicine's ability to visualise the human body. The project transforms real human cadavers into three dimensional visual data which can be dissected and animated in the space of the computer screen. The project has commanded a great deal of public attention, and this paper tries to account for the fascination exercised by the project by examining the way that this new biotechnology introduces disturbances into both medical and non-medical understandings of the relationship between life and death. It is argued that the virtual body created by the project cannot be reduced to the technical status of anatomical Atlas granted it within medical discourse. Rather the body exists simultaneously as a rational object of science and an uncanny form of digital existence, located ambiguously in virtual space between the living and the dead (WALDBY, 2013).

Keywords: dynamic architecture, virtuality

Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento em diferenças, objeto racional

WALDBY, Catherine. Revenants: The Visible Human Project and the Digital Uncanny. School of Humanities, Murdoch University Murdoch WA 6150, Australia. Available from < >. access on 10 February 2012.

-- GregorioIvanoff - 18 Dec 2014
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