StarOffice reduz os custos de licenciamento

"It wasn't long ago that Microsoft Office, at $500-plus a seat, was the only option for businesses seeking an integrated office suite. Times are changing, however.

Sun Microsystems is slowly winning over large business customers to its StarOffice 7, which costs $50 a user. (...) and StarOffice claim several technology advantages over Microsoft Office, including the ability to output PDF files from the application without needing extra software, the option of using file formats based on industry-standard XML that are easily readable by other programs, and cross-platform versions of the package for Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Solaris.",7204,9821373%5E15382%5E%5Enbv%5E,00.html

Luís Nassif: A revanche de Woodstock

"Por seu aspecto meio pós-Woodstock, pela natureza libertária de seus integrantes, o software livre tende a ser visto como uma curiosidade, um movimento de sonhadores incapaz de superar o poder financeiro das grandes corporações. É mais que isso. (...)

No início de junho, ocorrerá o maior evento de software livre do mundo, em Porto Alegre. Administradores de todos os níveis, herdeiros de Woodstock ou engravatados de Harvard: fiquem de olho no encontro, porque é uma revolução irreversível rumo ao futuro."

Worm derruba computadores da guarda costeira britânica

O worm "Sasser" coloca mais dúvidas sobre a confiabilidade da plataforma Windows para aplicações de missão crítica.

"Computers at the Coastguard Agency were among millions of PCs hit yesterday by a new worm that spreads over the internet.

The Sasser worm, which exploits a flaw in Microsoft's Windows software, disrupted work at the Marine and Coastguard Agency, forcing staff to use pencil and paper to find ships and locate distress calls on maps."

MEC vai abrir licitação para compra de PCs com software livre

"O Ministério da Educação vai abrir este mês licitação para a compra de cinco mil computadores equipados com software livre. A idéia é formar laboratórios de informática em 500 escolas públicas do país.

Os computadores serão entregues por meio da Secretaria de Educação à Distância (Seed) e virão com o sistema operacional Linux instalado, informou a secretaria, acrescentando que o investimento previsto é de R$ 13,3 milhões.",,1600871,00.html

Folha: "A disseminação silenciosa do software livre"

Hermano Vianna escreveu um artigo para o caderno "Mais", do dia 18/04/2004, onde descreve suas suas visitas a Telecentros em São Paulo. De acordo com o site BR-Linux, ele conclui que "Qualquer movimento cultural, do punk a Luther Blissett, parece uma 'doença infantil' diante da ideologia do software livre".

India lança "Simputer" para combater exclusão digital

"In a nation where only nine in 1,000 people own a computer, a long-awaited device has finally been launched to bring the poor into the information age.

The so-called Simputer, a [Linux-based] device which has been discussed and hyped for three years, was finally launched last week in India with a price tag of slightly less than INR10,000 (€187 [US$227]). The Simputer is a bare-bones handheld computer that is designed to allow poorer Indians to access the Web, email and other basic computer functions..."

Estudo: Virus causam "desastres" em 1/3 das empresas

O estudo indica que 1/3 das empresas sofreram um "desastre" causado por vírus em 2003.

"More companies suffered extensive virus infections in 2003 than in the previous year and spent on average almost US$100,000 to clean up each attack, according to new research.

The Computer Virus Prevalence Survey found that last year, almost a third of the hundreds of businesses polled worldwide had suffered a virus "disaster," defined as 25 or more computers infected by a single virus in the same incident. (...)

More than three-quarters of respondents said that outages had caused a loss of productivity, and two-thirds indicated that a major effect of an attack was to make a PC inaccessible. Corrupted files and inaccessible data were the other top virus effects.",39001150,39172646,00.htm

Forrester: 46% das empresas usam Software Livre

De acordo com estudo da Forrester, 46% das empresas usam software livre, e 14% pretendem iniciar o uso nos próximos 12 meses.

"Lower acquisition costs, lower total cost of ownership and greater flexibility in choosing hardware and software are the top reasons companies are deploying open source software, according to a recent survey.

Conducted by Boston-based Forrester Research in February 2004, the study revealed that 65 of the 140 companies questioned -- almost 50 percent -- are using open source applications."

Sharp lança notebook de baixo consumo

O novo notebook, que utiliza um processador da Transmeta, poderá ter autonomia de até 9 horas.

"The new Efficeon TM8600 is designed to improve performance while maintaining the low power consumption required by ultraportable notebooks--such as the 2-pound MM20. Sharp's tests showed that Efficeon delivers about 1.4 times the performance of Crusoe, Hanly says.",aid,115190,00.asp

Material Didático Livre

Cinco livros de cálculo, livres ou gratuitos, são analisados no Slashdot.

"Many textbook authors these days are using the internet to bypass the traditional publishing system, making their books available for free downloading. Although MIT's Open Courseware project gets most of the press, the movement started before that, and is going strong. In this article, I've reviewed five calculus textbooks that are either free as in speech or free as in beer."

A próxima geração de clientes de e-mail

Este artigo compara cinco clientes de e-mail: Evolution, KMail, Opera, Mozilla e Outlook.

"The mail client is in principal a very simple application which allows the user to read and send mail, but all modern mail clients include a host of features to help better manage the ever-increasing number of messages we have to deal with. Graphical mail clients allows for easy sorting of messages into folders, easy searching on a number of criteria, address book management and automatic filtering based on custom-defined rules.

The development of new features does not stop there, however, and the next generation of mail clients includes features such as virtual folders (also known as search folders), faster and more flexible searching, easier creation of filters and lots of small things to make common tasks quicker. This review is a comparison of the features available in the next generation of mail clients and their usability in dealing with large number of messages."

Sun aceita conversar com IBM sobre "Java Livre"

In response to an open letter from IBM asking Sun Microsystems Inc. to join the company in developing an open-source version of Java, Sun plans to meet with IBM to discuss the issue, Sun sources said.,4149,1539668,00.asp

XML Matters: XML for word processors

Artigo publicado pela IBM, analisa um dos principais diferenciais de ferramentas de escritório livres sobre equivalentes proprietários, como o MS Office: o uso de um formato aberto, baseado em XML, garante a longevidade e interoperabilidade entre os documentos. São analisados o Abiword, o KOffice e o OpenOffice.

"For this column, I am not interested in comparing the features, appearance, or user interfaces of these three projects. Suffice it to say that they have all obtained a very nice degree of polish in look-and-feel, and all have a sufficient feature set for creation of most types of business and personal documents. What I am interested in here is the design of the XML document formats -- the guts inside these projects."

Software Livre terá 50% da Indústria de TI em 5 anos (Estudo)

Notícia publicada no Business Standard:

"Information technology industry watcher MAIT has predicted that within five years, nearly 50 per cent of the software infrastructure could be taken up by open source software.

According to MAIT, the open source software position will grow the fastest among small servers and its penetration will grow from its near-zero position in large servers and corporate desktops to become a viable option within 2-3 years.

The Linux-initiated open sourcing wave began in 1999 and has since been heralded as a big threat to proprietary software such as Microsoft products.

It has received support from global hardware vendors and software majors such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, RedHat, SuSE, Oracle, SAP, Computer Associates, Hitachi etc."

Quatro anos de OpenOffice

"...More than any other desktop program that I can think of, is doing what free software is meant to do: setting people free. Across the world, federal and municipal governments are turning to, not just because of its free price, but because it allows access to information without going through a monopoly. In developing nations, it's allowing people to access computerized information without becoming pirates. is even breaking up the monopoly of English in computing by giving the speakers of languages such as Slovenian and Welsh their first chance to work in their own language. And with not just American or British English, but another eight or nine varieties of English available, even native English speakers are being liberated through"

Virus e Worms causam Prejuízo Recorde em Fevereiro

With more than a week remaining, February 2004 was the worst month ever for malware proliferation, breaking the record set last month, according to mi2g Intelligence Unit (, a digital risk firm.

The organization expects economic damage caused by malware this month will be between $43.8 billion and $53.6 billion worldwide. The unprecedented damage is the result of the MyDoom virus and its variants in addition to the Mimail, Dumaru, Sobig, Swen, Klez, Sober, Yaha, BugBear and Fizzer viruses, as well as the new variant of the Bagle virus that began circulating earlier this week.

Eric Raymond's Open letter to Sun: Let Java Go

Eric Raymond publicou uma carta aberta a Scott McNealy, CEO da Sun, pedindo a liberação da linguagem Java.

"Today, the big issue is Java. Sun's insistence on continuing tight control of the Java code has damaged Sun's long-term interests by throttling acceptance of the language in the open-source community, ceding the field (and probably the future) to scripting-language competitors like Python and Perl. Once again the choice is between control and ubiquity, and despite your claim that "open source is our friend" Sun appears to be choosing control. Sun's terms are so restrictive that Linux distributions cannot even include Java binaries for use as a browser plugin, let alone as a standalone development tool.

Mr. CEO, tear down that wall. You have millions of potential allies out here in the open-source community who would love to become Java developers and users if it didn't mean ceding control of their future to Sun. If you're serious about being a friend of open source, if you're serious about preparing Sun for the future we can all see coming in which code secrecy and proprietary lock-in will no longer be viable strategies, prove it. Let Java go."

eWeek: Universidades Aceleram Planos para Software Livre

In the hopes of gaining more control over their infrastructure, more university IT administrators are accelerating plans to migrate to open-source technology in the data center. George Washington University, for one, is in the process of removing Microsoft Corp. technology from its data centers and replacing it with Linux, primarily because of the cost and burden of security patching, said David Swartz, CIO at GWU, in Washington. Swartz spoke at a ComNet Conference & Expo panel last week.

"We're doing this as soon as possible. I want it done in three months, which translates to about one year," Swartz said. "A lot of my folks would like to drive more and more toward open source.",4149,1478448,00.asp

Governo Francês aposta no Software Livre

"France's cash-strapped government is giving alternative software companies the chance to win state business from Microsoft, in a pioneering drive to challenge the U.S. software giant in the public sector. (...)

At stake, in the case of office suite software alone, is around 300 million euros ($362.5 million) worth of software to be introduced to state computers over three years. Savings on operating systems could be of a similar order, officials said."

US Homeland Security Studies Open Source Quality

The authors of a US government-sponsored report claim to have delivered the first reliable guide into judging the safety and reliability of open source software.

The report, backed by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has evaluated 31 popular open source packages searching for defects that will cause "hard crashes" - problems that leave users open to hackers or cause downtime.

And fortunately for many a young Silicon Valley start-up and entrepreneur, the report, conducted by fault tracking specialist Coverity, has effectively given the Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python (LAMP) stack a healthy rating.

Palavras-chave: política pública digital, processo de incorporação, comunicações digitais, vulnerabilidade, biotecnologia

Keywords: data warehouse reporting

English: virtual security, virtual safety

SHALAL-ESA, Andrea. Orçamento de Obama prevê maiores recursos para segurança virtual. Disponível em < >.

-- GregorioIvanoff - 02 Feb 2010

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