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Searched: Forecast[^A-Za-z]
Results from Agora web
Ágora Keywords: in contradiction, in mathematics, in value, in uncertainty, in action, points of governance, statistical measures, boundaries, modeling, practices ...
Ágora Spreadsheets: 25 Years in a Cell COFFEE, Peter. Spreadsheets: 25 Years in a Cell. Now in their 25th year, spreadsheets ignore the uncertainty of forecasts and ...

Number of topics: 2
Results from Ilanet web
The World in 2016 #39;s forecast for Brazil The World In 2016 (@EconWorldIn) 21 dezembro 2015 Keywords: 2016 Main ...
2017 Annual report / Balanço anual 2017 Track the knowledge that is being produced in the 2017 knowledge base. / Acompanhe o conhecimento que está sendo produzido ...
ILAnet Keywords: behaviour in risks, collaboration, involvement, diversity, forecast, disasters, defense, safety, stress Português: em riscos Outcomes: #involvement ...
Keywords: in boundaries, in linkages, of relationships, boundaries, boundaries, forecast, boundary, coding Main.GregorioIvanoff 02 Dec 2019
A new algorithm has shown potential in being able to detect covid-19 case surges 2 weeks in advance, using Twitter, Google searches mobility data from smartphones ...
ILAnet I just published “Where Science Strategy Meet” Kyle Sandburg (@eco sandstorm) May 2, 2018 Keywords: completely autonomous global decision ...
ILAnet Keywords: electronic waste dumps, global decision-making, in forecast, in context, in governance, of governance, intervention, components, boundaries, tracking ...
ILAnet Keywords: in forecast, in risks, decision-making, data, classes, social-media, algorithm pt-BR q orientation+community+forecast ...
What is the probability of a super volcano erupting? One reminiscent of Toba and Krakatoa, or even Yellowstone? How can we prepare? Read more in the text by Stephen ...
Keywords: care services curtailment, cytogenetic risk classes, beta forecast error, in-hospital management, in stress, in stress, in linkages, in health, classes, ...
ILAnet Keywords: virtual channel, in linkages, in linkages, in production, in linkages, of governance, infrastructure, design, forecast, foresight Português: vínculos ...
ILAnet @GregBittar, I agree that monitoring is an excellent investment. / eu concordo que monitoramento é um excelente investimento. #ilanet Click To Tweet @GregBittar ...
Keywords: point-in-time risks, relationships risks, extreme risk classes, poor risk class, long-term risks, low-risk classes, in risks, in risk, in risks, in risks ...
Keywords: forecast Main.GregorioIvanoff 15 Jul 2020
ILAnet Keywords: strategic contradictions in sustainability, foresight Português: análise de sensibilidade pt-BR q orientation ...
Keywords: decision-making, forecast Main.GregorioIvanoff 04 Dec 2019
Contradictions in governance The deadline for the course was increased by another four months. The initial forecast was to end in May 2017. The new forecast for ...

Number of topics: 17
Results from Persona web
Persona Keywords: performance, industries, regulatory dynamics, international level, social practices, financial regulator, natural capital, claims, market design ...
Persona pt-BR q orientation+individual+forecast btnG Pesquisar SEARCH{"\forecast" web "Persona" scope "text" regex "off" nosearch ...

Number of topics: 2
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