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Ilanet.PlayerTypesInGamesr1.29 - 04 Apr 2024 - 20:48 - GregorioIvanoff

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Yee’s (2008, In. HEETER et al., 2008) analysis of MMO play motivation based on player surveys identified three motivation domains: achievement, social, and immersion. Subcategories within Yee’s Achievement construct included Advancement (progress, power accumulation, and status), Mechanics (numbers optimization, templating, and analysis), and Competition (challenging others, provocation, and domination). Immersion included Discovery (exploration, lore, finding hidden things), Role-Playing (story line, character history, roles, fantasy), Customization (appearances, accessories, style, color scheme), and Escapism (relax, escape from real life, avoiding real-life problems). Like Bartle, Yee also found a Social motivation included Socializing (casual chat, helping others, making friends), Relationship (personal, self-disclosure, find and give support), and Teamwork (collaboration, groups, group achievement).

Português: < >.

Tipo Type Descrição Description down
  Eager player    
  Reluctant player    
Pedintes criativos Creative tramps "Alguns mendigos virtuais "profissionais" inovam: recitam poemas e movem o personagem para simular uma dança. Tudo em nome do dinheiro fácil" (ORRICO, 2013)  
Mendigos virtuais Virtual Beggars "Em vez de jogar normalmente para ganhar dinheiro, muitos brasileiros preferem atuar como mendigos virtuais, pedindo moedas ou equipamentos velhos para quem passar por perto. Alguns chegam a brigar pelo ponto de mendicância" (ORRICO, 2013)  
Duendes Troll "[...] o mais infame e odiado tipo de jogador" (ORRICO, 2013)  
Realizador, Empreendedor, Executor Achiever   "Achievers are motivated by extrinsic rewards such as leveling up and earning high scores." (individual learning: getting good grades, praise from the teacher) [...] "Achievement is the central paradigm in genres such as First-Person Shooters (FPSs), Fighting, Racing, Sports, and Action." (HEETER et al., 2008); those who strive for prestige in the game by leveling up and winning (Richard Bartle, Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games, 1996, In. HEETER et al., 2008)
Explorador, Desbravador Explorer   "Explorers are motivated by intrinsic factors such as curiosity, role play, and learning." (individual learning: fascination with the specific subject matter, relevant personal experiences, general love of learning) [...] "Adventure, Strategy, RPG, Puzzle, and Simulation probably appeal more to Explorers because they interweave imagination, curiosity, and customization." (HEETER et al., 2008); those who seek to understand the game’s environment. (Richard Bartle, Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games, 1996, In. HEETER et al., 2008)
Evitadores, Poupadores, Esquivadores, Evasores de desafios Challenge-avoider   "Other extrinsically motivated learners avoid hard challenges because they do not want to risk failure. Challenge-avoiders are anxious about failing. When Challenge-avoiders perform graded tasks, they aspire to prove themselves, to validate their worth rather than to learn. They prefer easy challenges where success is likely over harder challenges where they might fail." (HEETER et al., 2008)
Buscador, Procurador ou Inquiridor de desafios Challenge-seeker   "Some extrinsically motivated learners seek out hard challenges. Challenge-seekers are bored by easy tasks. They enjoy the thrill of mastering hard challenges and welcome good grades and teacher approval as just rewards" (Dweck, 2006, Elliot and Church, 1997, In. HEETER et al., 2008).
  Socializer   [types unique to multiplayer games:] those who interact with other players (Richard Bartle, Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games, 1996, In. HEETER et al., 2008)
  Killer   [types unique to multiplayer games:] those who interfere with other players’ experiences (e.g. killing new users, etc.) (Richard Bartle, Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) games, 1996, In. HEETER et al., 2008)
Gestor de sentimentos que evita desafios Challenge-avoiding impression manager Sentimento; Opinião, Noção, Pensamento, Abalo, Efeito moral Impression managers: players with a fixed mindset; fixed mindset learners avoid situations that they cannot easily do well at. Failure undermines their confidence and if they fail, they become depressed and ineffective. (HEETER et al., 2008)

Keywords: massively multiplayer online game, player types in meaning, psychological states in games, failure in cognitive development, educating change in evidence, games in player types, cognitive exercise games, physical exercise games, massively multiplayer online (MMO), Multi-User Dungeon (MUD), governance in context, meaning in governance, motivation domains, learning flexibility, classroom games, training games, physical games, cognitive games, learning games, educational policies, moral status, impression manager, situated cognition, survey, games

Palavras-chave: escola em movimento, pensamento em desafio, congruência em educação, linguagem em desenvolvimento, profissão em jogos, teste de personalidade, economia ecológica, risco institucional

Português: tipos de jogador em jogos

Outcomes: control over the difficulty level, more difficulty goals achieving, user-selectable difficulty settings, challenge-monitoring adaptive features, amount of challenge adjusting, 2017

Bartle Test. Available from < >. access on 4 June 2014. Português: < >.

Classificação tipológica de Myers Briggs. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 20 jul. 2013.

Code-mixing. Available from < >. access on 21 July 2013.

Code-switching. Available from < >. access on 21 July 2013.

Heeter, Carrie; Magerko, Brian; Medler, Ben; Fitzgerald, Joe. Game Design and the Challenge-Avoiding Impression Manager Player Type, July 12, 2008. Available from < >. access on 21 July 2013.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Available from < >. access on 20 July 2013.

ORRICO, Alexandre. Brasileiros ganham fama ruim praticando assaltos e arrastões em jogos on-line. São Paulo, 20 mai. 2013. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 20 jul. 2013.

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-- GregorioIvanoff - 20 Jul 2013
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