What's the Semantics of "Semantics"?

[...] Another disturbing issue with broad modeling frameworks like UML is the possibility of constructing conflicting descriptions. We won't attempt a detailed discussion of this, but suffice to say that when multiple language views offer different ways to capture the same aspects of the modeled system, users will get into trouble. Thus, many UML users discover that the behavioral aspects of their specifications overlap, causing redundancy at best and inconsistency at worst. Therefore, providing a formal semantics for all such sublanguages and all their interconnections, together with tools for analyzing and executing their behavior and for consistency checking, is crucial (Harel; Rumpe, 2004).

Keywords: open source software communities, commons-based peer-production, complex socio-technical systems, investment strategy assessment, software model revision, software model review, certification in risks, conflict in behavior, curricula recommendations, requirements management, interagency collaboration, software collaboration, software development, software factory, common knowledge, debugging designs, semantic range, warning signs, computation, modeling, software

Português: modelagem significativa

Outcomes: 2019

Did AGILE make the 737 Max fall from the sky? Available from < http://www.logikalsolutions.com/wordpress/information-technology/did-agile-make-the-737max-fall-from-the-sky/ >. access on 17 October 2019.

Harel, David, and Bernhard Rumpe. "Meaningful modeling: what's the semantics of" semantics"?." Computer 37.10 (2004): 64-72. Available from < https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bernhard_Rumpe/publication/2956210_Meaningful_modeling_What%27s_the_semantics_of_semantics/links/00b7d5231ae312016e000000/Meaningful-modeling-Whats-the-semantics-of-semantics.pdf >. access on 15 October 2019.


-- GregorioIvanoff - 18 May 2019

Revision: r1.20 - 04 Mar 2020 - 00:38 - GregorioIvanoff
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