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Ilanet.Linuxr1.8 - 13 Jun 2017 - 18:15 - GregorioIvanoff

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PUC-Minas lança distribuição Linux acadêmica

O BR-Linux está divulgando que "a PUC Minas lançou uma distribuição linux, o PUx. O objetivo deste sistema é prover aos alunos e professores, um ambiente onde eles possam encontrar à sua disposiçao ferramentas de apoio ao estudo de disciplinas dos cursos de Computação. No CD temos uma compilação de programas sob licença GPL adequados ao ensino destas disciplinas, como editores, compiladores, IDEs, simuladores, servidor web (Apache), banco de dados (MySQL), etc. Além do Open Office e centenas de sofwares adicionais".

Seattle Times analisa Linux no Desktop

Saiu no Slashdot:

"Seattle Times section on Personal Technology compares Xandros and Lindows as two alternatives to Windows for desktop computing. Their verdict: installation - excellent; OpenOffice - good enough; digital cameras, printers and other peripherals - excellent; CD burning - no problems; video playback - could be better (with more progress bars and support for Apple's formats); digital camcorders - poor; burning audio CDs - poor; Net access and Web browsing - no problems."

CIO Update: Migrar para Linux significa mais do que economizar

Artigo na CIO Update, mostra que uma migração para Linux poder trazer mais vantagens do que uma simples redução de custos.

"While the argument for Linux usually starts with cost savings, reliability and diminishing support for Windows NT are also working into the equation."

Nova Base de Conhecimentos sobre Linux

O site tem como objetivo construir a maior base de conhecimento independente sobre Linux, utilizando um Wiki. Eles estão usando o mesmo sistema da Wikipedia.

China desenvolve CPUs baseadas em Linux

"A Hong Kong-based company that began as a comic-book publisher now promises to revolutionize the Chinese personal-computer (PC) market with its new, low-cost, Linux-based, Chinese-language central processing unit (CPU).

Culturecom Holdings Ltd says its new V-Dragon CPU, which retails for only US$15-$30, will reduce the price of PCs and appliances by anywhere from 50-70 percent, mostly by eliminating costly intellectual-property (IP) fees charged by "Wintel" - Microsoft and Intel - for their operating systems and CPUs."

Pentágono desenvolve supercomputador baseado em Linux

Linux Networx is building a high-performance Linux cluster supercomputer for the US Department of Defense as part of an IT modernisation programme.

Linux ultrapassa Macintosh no desktop

Um artigo da Business Week sobre os desktops Linux diz:

"...After a long gestation period -- and against all odds -- Linux is finally gaining a toehold in Microsoft's backyard, office desktop computing. Market researcher IDC expects to announce within weeks that Linux' PC market share in 2003 hit 3.2%, overtaking Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh software. And the researcher expects Linux to capture 6% of this market by 2007. That's still tiny compared with Microsoft's 94% share. But it's clear now that Linux is becoming a viable alternative to Windows on desktop and laptop PCs for companies willing to put up with the trouble of switching."

"Live CDs" - Linux para Iniciantes

With Linux appearing more frequently in the press and on TV, people are becoming more curious about it. They are still reluctant to leave their comfortable Windows world, but they are curious. Enter LiveCD Linux -- a CD with a full Linux operating system that runs completely from the CD without the need to install anything on the hard drive.

Techworld: Microsoft lança "XP light" para combater Linux na Ásia

Microsoft is preparing a cut-down version of Windows XP to sell cheaply in the Far East in an effort to prevent Linux stealing the OS market.

Keywords: modeling-based view, security in modeling, savings

Palavras-chave: tecnologia em organização, computadores

Outcomes: certification

Google News. Disponível em < >.

Guia para o novato em Linux. UFBA. Disponível em < >.

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-- GregorioIvanoff - 05 Jan 2004
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