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Ilanet.LinkagesInProductionr1.13 - 20 Mar 2018 - 23:15 - GregorioIvanoff

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2018 Scorecard: 2018

A knowledge base was designed to facilitate access to the risks, paths and linkages covered during the updating of this virtual infrastructure. The knowledge base looks like a detailed timeline of events and is the outcome of knowledge production, education, and research. The information in the knowledge base takes into account choices and decisions that are being made on the day or over a period of time. Events that interfere with the update routine will also be indicated.

The knowledge base can be used to identify points of study (study points). It can also be used for the design or structuring of support systems such as a governance or authority personal system, a points system or a syllabus.

Keywords: information in linkages, information in core, discipline in practices, risks in production, risks in practice, linkages in risks, organization in regulation, identification policy, risk acceptability, active offerings, risk rating, production outcome, LinkedIn

Português: vínculos em produção

Outcomes: 2018

Claims in practice course 2018 / Curso Reivindicações em prática 2018: Linkages in practice / Vínculos em prática. Educational program produced from the production cores indicated in 2018 Scorecard / Programa educacional produzido a partir dos núcleos de produção indicados em pontos 2018, 19 February / fev. 2018. Available from / Disponível em < >. access on / Acesso em 20 February / fev. 2018.

Core outcomes in contradiction / Resultados de núcleo em contradição: Production in practice / Produção em prática. 3 - 14 July / jul. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição.

Investment strategy assessment: Systems in authority. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry, 29 September 2017. Available from < >. access on 29 September 2017.

Systems in authority: Updating governance. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry, 27 September 2017. Available from < >. access on 27 September 2017.

Updating governance / Governança que atualiza: Global Challenge / Desafio global. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição, 21 September / set. 2017. Available from / Disponível em < >. access on / Acesso em 21 September / set. 2017.

-- GregorioIvanoff - 09 Mar 2018
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