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Ilanet.KnowledgeBaser1.16 - 29 Jul 2019 - 15:08 - GregorioIvanoff

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Português - A knowledge base (2019) is registered in this virtual infrastructure to facilitate access to information about represented risks, paths and linkages. The knowledge base is a detailed timeline of events and is the outcome of knowledge production, education and research activities. Information recorded in the knowledge base takes into account the choices and decisions that are made during the days (points) or during periods of time (cores). Events that interfere with the routine of registering or updating information are also indicated.

It can also be used for the design or structuring of support systems such as a governance or authority personal system, a points system or a syllabus.

Keywords: communication in knowledge, production in knowledge, planning in knowledge, governance in reality, knowledge in claims, core in governance, rating in governance, base in production, governance frameworks, education offerings, measurable improvement, resources enactment, governance model, global governance, equity risks, stress test

Português: base de conhecimento

Core execution: Track the knowledge produced in the 2017 knowledge base. / Execução de núcleo: Acompanhe o conhecimento produzido na base de conhecimento 2017.

Core planning. Stress test: 22 May / mai. - 2 June / jun. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry.

Core outcomes in contradiction / Resultados de núcleo em contradição: Production in practice / Produção em prática. 3 - 14 July / jul. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição.

Inspiration / Inspiração: Inspiration in governance / Inspiração em governança. 13 - 24 March / mar. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição.

Organization / Organização: Organization in governance / Organização em governança. 27 March / mar. - 31 August / ago. 2017. Remodelling Global Cooperation: Claims in practice 2017 / Remodelando a Cooperação Global: Reivindicações em prática 2017. Forming a coalition of people to develop a competition entry. / Formando uma coalizão de pessoas para desenvolver uma entrada de competição.

Number of topics: 138


Number of topics: 6


Number of topics: 5


Number of topics: 0


Efficiency / Eficiência   Community / Comunidade
  Twitter Pipl
  Annual report / Balanço anual  
  Research social networks / Redes sociais de pesquisa Wikipedia
Personality / Individualidade   Sociability / Sociabilidade

-- GregorioIvanoff - 05 Apr 2017
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